Chapter 22-System Configuration Flags
Polycom, Inc. 22-31
MS_CAC_AUDIO_MIN_BR The minimum bit rate for audio using the Microsoft CAC (Call
Admission Control) protocol. When the bit rate is lower than
the MS_CAC_AUDIO_MIN_BR, the call is not connected.
Range: 0 - 384
Default: 30
MS_CAC_VTDEO_MIN_BR The minimum bit rate for video using the Microsoft CAC (Call
Admission Control) protocol. When the bit rate is lower than
the MS_CAC_VIDEO_MIN_BR, the call is not connected as a
video call..
Range: 0 - 384
Default: 40
MS_KEEP_ALIVE_ENABLE Enables the Microsoft keep alive flag.
Set it YES to ensure that endpoints such as HDX remain
connected to the conference for its duration when the RMX is
configured with FQDN address and the Lync server is working
with load balancing and holds more than one address.
Range: YES/NO
Default: NO
MS_PROXY_REPLACE Enables the proxy=replace parameter in the SIP Header.
When set to YES the outbound proxy to replaces the contact
information in the contact header with its own enabling other
clients and servers to reach the client using the proxy's IP
address, even if the client is behind a firewall.
Possible Values: YES / NO
Default: YES
The percentage degradation due to packet loss required to
change the indicator from Major to Critical.
Default: 5
The percentage degradation due to packet loss required to
change the indicator from Normal to Major.
Default: 1
Indicates how many times the Hello (keep alive) message is
sent from the RMX to the endpoint in an environment that
includes a Session Border Controller (SBC) with a 3-second
interval between messages.
Range: 1 to 10.
NUMBER_OF_REDIAL Enter the number re dialing attempts required. Dialing may
continue until the conference is terminated.
Default: 3
Table 22-2 Manually Added System Flags – MCMS_PARAMETERS (Continued)
Flag Description