Appendix H-Setting the MCU for Integration Into Microsoft Environment
Polycom, Inc. H-69
ICE Active Alarms
When ICE environment is enabled in the MCU, failure to communicate with a required
component triggers the display of an Active Alarm in the System Alerts pane.
The following table lists these active alarms:
Table 9 ICE Environment - MCU Active Alarms
Active Alarm Phase Alarm Displayed When Troubleshooting
ICE failure: Failed to
register with OCS.
Check the MCU
Server Name.
Registration The MCU did not receive
a confirmation response
from the OCS to the
Registration request.
• Check that the MCU Server
Name in IP Network Service
- SIP Advanced is identical
to the User name defined
for the MCU in the OCS
Active Directory.
• Make sure that the MCU
user is defined in the OCS
Active Directory.
ICE failure: Failed to
subscribe with the
OCS, therefore the
A/V Edge Server
URI was not
Subscribe The MCU did not receive
a confirmation response
from the OCS to the
Subscription request.
The Subscription is
required for obtaining the
A/V Edge Server URI
which is followed by the
notify message containing
the credentials).
ICE failure: The
Notify message
containing the A/V
Edge Server URI
was not received
Notify The Notify message
containing the A/V Edge
Server URI was not
received by the MCU.
ICE failure:
Notification does not
contain URI.
Notify The notify message that
was sent from the A/V
Edge Server does not
contain the A/V Edge
server URI.
Verify the A/V Edge server is
configured in the OCS.
ICE failure: No
response from the
A/V Edge Server to
the MCU Service
Service The MCU did not receive
a confirmation response
from the A/V Edge Server
to the Service request.
ICE failure:
Received Service
message does not
contain the
Service The Service message
response does not
contain the Credentials.