Chapter 22-System Configuration Flags
Polycom, Inc. 22-3
Defines the interval, in seconds, during which the RMX is
allowed to forward an Intra Request received from any of the
Slave Cascading Links. The Slave Cascading Link can be
connected to the local RMX, to an MCU on a higher cascade
level or to the Content sharer.
The first Intra request that is received from any of the Slave
MCUs connected to the RMX starts the interval counter and is
forwarded to the next level MCU or to the Content sharer.
All other Intra requests that are received within this interval
are registered but ignored. After an interval of <flag value>
seconds, the system checks if during the last interval any
additional Intra requests were registered. If there is at least
one Intra request it will be forwarded. If there is no additional
Intra request not no action is taken other than to wait for the
next cycle.
This filtering process is repeated every <flag value> seconds.
Default: 30
This flag controls the requests to refresh (intra) the content
sent from the RMX system to the content sender as a result of
refresh requests initiated by other conference participants.
Enter the interval in seconds between the Intra requests sent
from the RMX to the endpoint sending the content to refresh
the content display. Refresh requests that will be received
from endpoints within the defined interval will be postponed to
the next interval.
Default setting: 5
This flag indicates when to send the first KeepAlive indication
to check the TCP connection.
Default value: 7200 second (120 minutes)
Range: 600-18000 seconds
When there are NAT problems, this default may be too long
and the TCP connection is lost. In such a case, the default
value should be changed to 3600 seconds (60 minutes) or
This flag indicates the interval in seconds between the
KeepAlive requests.
Default value: 75 second
Range: 10-720 seconds.
DISABLE_INACTIVE_USER Users can be automatically disabled by the system when they
do not log into the RMX application for a predefined period.
Possible Values: 0 - 90 days.
Default: 0 (disables this option).
Table 22-1 System Flags – MCMS_PARAMETERS (Continued)
Flag Description