Appendix I-Polycom Open Collaboration Network (POCN)
Polycom, Inc. I-17
12 Configuring CMA to route H.323 calls to CUCM
13 Configuring CMA to route non-H.323 calls to CUCM
The procedures for configuring CMA are described in detail in the Polycom Unified
Communications Deployment Guide for Cisco Environments.
14 Configuring H.323 endpoints to register to the CMA or IOS gatekeeper
The procedures for configuring H.323 endpoints are described in detail in the Polycom
Unified Communications Deployment Guide for Cisco Environments.
15 Configuring SIP endpoints to register to:
a DMA as SIP Proxy
b CUCM as SIP Proxy
The procedures for configuring SIP endpoints are described in detail in the Polycom
Unified Communications Deployment Guide for Cisco Environments.
16 Configuring TIP endpoints to register to:
The procedures for configuring TIP- enabled endpoints are described in detail in the
Polycom Unified Communications Deployment Guide for Cisco Environments.
The MIN_TIP_COMPATIBILITY_LINE_RATE System Flag determines the minimum line
rate at which an Entry Queue or Meeting Room can be TIP enabled.
CTS version 7 requires a minimum line rate of 1024 kbps and will reject calls at lower line
rates, therefore the System Flag value must be 1024 or higher.
For more information see "Modifying System Flags” on page 22-1.
Procedure 2: Configuring MCU to statically route outbound SIP calls to
1 In the IP Network Services Properties dialog box, click the SIP Servers tab.
2 In the SIP Server field, select Specify.
3 In the SIP Server Type field, select Generic.
4 Set Refresh Registration every 3600 seconds.
5 If not selected by default, change the Transport Type to TCP.
6 In the SIP Servers table:
a Enter the IP address of the DMA or CUCM in both the Server IP Address or Name
and Server Domain Name fields.
b The Port field must be set to it’s default value: 5060. DMA and CUCM use this port
number by default.
7 In the Outbound Proxy Servers table:
a Enter the IP address in the Server IP Address or Name field. (The same value as
entered in Step 6a.)