Chapter A-Disconnection Causes
Polycom, Inc. A-9
53 Outgoing Calls Barred
Within Closed User
Group (CUG)
Outgoing calls are not permitted for this member of the CUG.
55 Incoming Calls Barred
within CUG
Incoming calls are not permitted for this member of the CUG.
57 Bearer Capability Not
A bearer capability has been requested that the user is not
authorized to use.
58 Bearer Capability Not
Presently Available
A bearer capability has been requested that the user is not
presently available.
62 Inconsistency in
Designated Outgoing
Access Information and
Subscriber Class
Outgoing Access and Subscriber Class information is
63 Service or Option Not
Available, Unspecified
The service or option is unavailable. No other disconnection
cause applies.
65 Bearer Capability Not
The requested bearer capability is not supported.
66 Channel Type Not
The requested channel type is not supported.
69 Requested Facility Not
The requested supplementary service is not supported.
70 Only Restricted Digital
Information Bearer
Capability is Available
(national use)
Unrestricted (64kb) bearer service has been requested but is
not supported by the equipment sending this cause.
79 Service or Option Not
An unsupported service or unimplemented option has been
requested. No other disconnection cause applies.
81 Invalid Call Reference
A message has been received which contains a call
reference which is currently unassigned or not in use on the
user-network interface.
82 Identified Channel
Does Not Exist
A request has been received to use a channel which is
currently inactive or does not exist.
83 A Suspended Call
Exists, but This Call
Identity Does Not Exist
A RESUME message cannot be executed by the network as
a result of an unknown call identity.
84 Call Identity in Use A SUSPEND message has been received with a call identity
sequence that is already in use.
85 No Call Suspended A RESUME message cannot be executed by the network as
a result of no call suspended.
Table A-2 ISDN Disconnection Causes (Continued)
Disconnection Cause
Number Summary Description