Chapter 5-Cascading Conferences
Polycom, Inc. 5-31
When cascading two conferences, the video layout displayed in the cascaded conference is
determined by the selected layout in each of the two conferences. Each of the two
conferences will inherit the video layout of the other conference in one of their windows.
In order to avoid cluttering in the cascaded window, it is advised to select appropriate video
layouts in each conference before cascading them.
Figure 5-11Video Layouts in Cascaded Conferences
To ensure that conferences can be cascaded and video can be viewed in all conferences the
following guidelines are recommended:
• The same version installed on all MCUs participating the cascading topology
• The same license installed on all MCUs participating the cascading topology
• Same Conference Parameters are defined in the Profile of the conferences participating
in the cascading topology
— Conference line rates should be identical
— Content rate should be identical
— Same encryption settings
• DTMF codes should be defined with the same numeric codes in the IVR services
assigned to the cascading conferences
• DTMF forwarding is suppressed
• The video layout of the link is set to 1x1 by the appropriate system flag.
Flags controlling Cascade Layouts
_CONNECTION System Flag to YES (default) automatically forces the cascading link to
Full Screen (1x1) in CP conferences, hence displaying the speaker of one conference to a
full window in the video layout of the other conference.
Conference A Conference B
Video layout of Conf. B in
window of Conf. A
Video layout of Conf. A in
window of Conf. B