Chapter 9-Reservations
Polycom, Inc. 9-7
To view Today (the current date):
>> In Week View or Day View, in the Reservation Calendar toolbar, click the Today ()
button to have the current date displayed within the selected view.
To change to List View:
1 In the Reservation Calendar toolbar, click, the Reservations List () button.
The Reservations List is displayed.
2 Optional. Sort the data by any field (column heading) by clicking on the column
A or symbol is displayed in the column heading indicating that the list is sorted
by this field, as well as the sort order.
3 Optional. Click on the column heading to toggle the column’s sort order.
To return to Calendar View:
>> In the Reservation Calendar toolbar, click any of the buttons (Show Week/Show Day/
Today) to return to the required Reservation Calendar view.
Week View
Day View
Current Date (Today)