Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/2000/4000
17-40 Polycom, Inc.
Volume Control of IVR Messages, Music and Roll Call
The volume of IVR music, IVR messages and Roll Call is controlled by the following system
To control the volume of IVR music, messages and Roll Call:
>> Modify the values of the System Flags listed in Table 17-15 by clicking the menu Setup >
System Configuration.
If these flags do not appear in the System Flags list, they must be manually added.
For more information see "Modifying System Flags” on page 22-1.
Table 17-15 System Flags – IVR Volume Control
Flag Description
IVR_MUSIC_VOLUME The volume of the IVR music played when a single participant is
connected to the conference varies according to the value of this
Possible value range: 0-10 (Default: 5).
0 – disables playing the music
1 – lowest volume
10 – highest volume
IVR_MESSAGE_VOLUME The volume of IVR messages varies according to the value of this
Possible value range: 0-10 (Default: 6).
0 – disables playing the IVR messages
1 – lowest volume
10 – highest volume
It is not recommended to disable IVR messages by setting the
flag value to 0.
IVR_ROLL_CALL_VOLUME The volume of the Roll Call varies according to the value of this
Possible value range: 0-10 (Default: 6).
0 – disables playing the Roll Call
1 – lowest volume
10 – highest volume
Note: It is not recommended to disable the Roll Call by setting the
flag value to 0.
The following System Flags do not require an MCU reset:
For all other flag changes, the MCU must be reset for the modified flag settings (including deletion)
to take effect.