Chapter 13-Conference and Participant Monitoring
Polycom, Inc. 13-23
2 Click the Connection Status tab to view the connection status, and if disconnected the
cause of the disconnection. This dialog box is the same for AVC-based and SVC-based
Mute/Suspend Indicates if the endpoint’s audio and/or video channels have been muted/
suspended. The entity that initiated audio mute or video suspend is also
• MCU – Audio or Video channel has been muted/suspended by the
• User – Channels have been muted/suspended by the RMX user.
• Participant – Channels have been muted/suspended by the
participant from the endpoint.
You can also cancel or perform mute and suspend operation using these
check boxes.
Note: If the participant muted his/her audio channel, the system displays
the mute icon only for H.323. This icon is not displayed for SIP participant
due to SIP standard limitation.
Block When checked, the audio transmission from the conference to the
participant’s endpoint is blocked, but the participant will still be heard by
other participants.
Table 13-10 Participant Properties - Media Sources Parameters (Continued)
Field Description
Viewing Permissions
Table 13-11 Participant Properties - Connection Status Parameters
Field Description
Participant Status
Status Indicates the connection status of the participant.