Net Phone Software Enhancement History
Strata CIX Net Phone AG 04/08 5
selecting the correct profile. The profile defines the Extension DN(s) for Net
Phone including whether only a single DN or also a Secondary DN are monitored.
It selects whether the audio is coming via VoIP or via the PBX phone and each
profile can define its own “skin” appearance.
• Docking Enhancements – Users of “docked” configurations for Net Phone now
have more capabilities that include using either the LCD window or the Calls
Window for call information. It also expands the “Extra Buttons” to provide the
same capabilities as the right-side drop down buttons. Items added include:
• Added drag and drop dialing to LCD window in the same manner as the Calls
• LCD window now displays and supports Extra Info icon operation.
• User-defined actions can now be used on the “Extra Buttons”.
• OAISYS Tracer Integrations Improvements – The integration with Tracer
recordings has been expanded to include getting a copy of a recording for e-
mailing to someone or reading and passing the file name of the current call
• Added feature to request an e-mail copy of a recording.
• Added the ability to dynamically add new bookmarks text strings.
• Added a new token (%X (“~RECFNAME”)) to read/pass file name. Also
possible to show in the Extra Info screen.
• Outlook Calendar Integration – The new Outlook Link (V1.3.10 or higher)
supports new Calendar items to create actions to inform the user of an appointment
or a reminder of an appointment. The items added include:
• Two new Personal Call Handler triggers: “Outlook Calendar Appointment” and
“Outlook Calendar Reminder”.
• Two new Outlook Information tokens for use in the User-defined Actions:
%OC (“fieldname”) for appointments and %OR (“fieldname”) for reminders.
The “fieldname” values are:
• SUBJECT – Subject field of Outlook event.
• START – Start Date/Time event.
• END – End Date/Time event.
• IMPORTANCE – Importance (Low, Normal, High) of event.