Strata CIX Net Phone AG 04/08 29
Server-based Net Phone COS 5
The creation of a Server-based Class of Service for Net Phone begins in Net Server
using the Net Server Administrator program, followed by creating your configuration
on the Admin Net Phone, then publishing the configuration files to the Net Server PC.
The steps are as follows:
“Step 1: Create User Groups (Net Server)” on page 30
“Step 2: Assign Users to Net Phone Application (Net Server)” on page 32
“Step 3: Assigning Users to User Groups (Net Server)” on page 36
“Step 4: Create Configuration Files using Admin Net Phone” on page 39
“Step 5: Publishing the Configuration Files” on page 41
The following steps show an example creating two user groups, users and
administrators, and assigning a class of service to each. Multiple groups can be
assigned, each with its own configuration created by the Administrator common to
that group.