Server-based Net Phone COS
Editing .INI Files
54 Strata CIX Net Phone AG 04/08
Exporting Call Information
The Exporting Call Information is an action, which can be triggered from a Personal
Call Handler rule or by the user pressing a programmable key set with this action. The
action first pops up an "Export Information" screen that allows the user to add/review
the information to be saved. If any required fields are empty, the user must enter them
before being allowed to export. Then when the user presses the Save button, the action
formats and exports the information to a text file at the desired location.
The only parameter needed when defining the action is the Path & Filename to which
the export should occur. Typically, the target destination will be over a LAN to a
system-level PC/database, so it's usually appropriate to have a network drive mapped
specifically to the target location (i.e. F:\). Also since exports could be occurring
simultaneously from many different PCs, it is recommended to use one of the system
variables like &E (your extension number) as part of the filename so that the export
filename is unique for each PC – for example: EXT&E.IMP
Export Information requires file-sharing access with Write permissions to the target
folder. Users must be able to browse to the target folder and create a file, or Export
Information will fail.
The export action can be configured and customized by changing fields in the
[Export] section of the Agnt_Ph.INI file. Following is an example configuration.
Settings Definitions
RequiredFields – This parameter is used to
designate which fields the user will be required
to enter (cannot be left blank) when the "Export
Information" screen is presented. The choices of
fields includes:
M = Main Listed Telephone Number
P = Phone number (CallerID or ANI on the call)
N = Name (CallerID name)
A = Account code
D = Destination.