Server-based Net Phone COS
Editing .INI Files
Strata CIX Net Phone AG 04/08 51
* Settings, once made, can be locked into place by changing this setting to “N”.
It is highly recommended that all configuration changes be made on the
Administrator’s Net Phone and then published to the server. Most of the configuration
items can be set up following the Net Phone Settings section of the “Net Phone User’s
Chg_BotKeys=Y NP_KEYS3.INI 3rd Bank of Programmable Keys
Chg_MainSet=Y AGNT_PH.INI Main Configuration
Chg_OutLookSet=Y None Outlook Link Settings*
Chg_InfoSet=Y CALLINFO.INI Extra Info Feature Configuration
Chg_Recording=Y NP_REC.INI Record-a-Call Settings
Chg_ACD=Y ONP_ACD.INI ACD Feature Settings
ShowMaintOnSplash=N None
Show maintenance expiration date
on splash screen
Chg_AppKeys=Y NP_AppBs.INI Optional Application Link Buttons
Chg_Docking=Y NP_WDock.INI Screen Docking Configuration
Chg_XtraKeys1=Y NP_XKYS1.DAT 1st Bank of Extra Keys
Chg_XtraKeys2=Y NP_XKYS2.DAT 2nd Bank of Extra Keys
Chg_XtraKeys3=Y NP_XKYS3.DAT 3rd Bank of Extra Keys
Chg_XtraKeys4=Y NP_XKYS4.DAT 4th Bank of Extra Keys
Chg_XtraKeys5=Y NP_XKYS5.DAT 5th Bank of Extra Keys
Chg_XtraKeys6=Y NP_XKYS6.DAT 6th Bank of Extra Keys
Chg_XtraKeys7=Y NP_XKYS7.DAT 7th Bank of Extra Keys
Chg_XtraKeys8=Y NP_XKYS8.DAT 8th Bank of Extra Keys
Item Config File Description