Deploying Net Phone
Advanced Information
Strata CIX Net Phone AG 04/08 23
Advanced Information
Setup creates a folder called “NetPhone\Install” in the Net Server folder. Setup places
copies of netphone_xxx.exe, NP_Upgrade.exe, and InstallVersion.ini in the Install
The InstallVersion.ini file is part of each release of NP_xxx_Server.exe. Do not
modify the contents of InstallVersion.ini unless specifically directed by a CTS
Technical Support Engineer. The contents of a sample file is defined in the table
[Version] Settings Definitions
New Version = Text string indicating the now current version
of Net Phone.
Date = Text string indicating the ship date of the now
current Net Phone.
FullFile = Text string containing the filename of the full Net
Phone Setup file.
PatchFile = Text string containing the filename of the
incremental patch file.
ForcedUpdate = Y or N — indicates whether user has the
option to decline the upgrade.
V4.0.33; V4.0.34; V4.0.35;
V4.0.36; V4.0.37; V4.0.38;
V4.0.39; V4.0.200; V4.0.201"
FromVersion = Text string containing a list of versions from
which a PatchFile upgrade is valid. If the current client
version appears in the FromVersion list, Net Server sends
the PatchFile to the client. If the current version does not
appear in the list, Net Server sends the FullFile to the