Server-based Net Phone COS
Dial Plan Setup
32 Strata CIX Net Phone AG 04/08
Step 2: Assign Users to Net Phone
Application (Net Server)
By assigning User Groups to the Net Phone application allows you to assign a
common “Class of Service” and “Configurations” for all users in a group. Individuals
that are not part of a group can also be assigned as a Net Phone application user.
1. Select the Applications tab. Highlight the Net Phone entry.
• Named User Groups – You can create named groups (like “NetPhoneAdmin”,
“NetPhoneUsers”, etc.) for assignment of a common “Class of Service” and
“Configurations” for everyone in the group.
• Individuals – Setup individuals as an Application User ONLY to exclude them
from the <Default> group.
• <Default> group – Setup this group as a ‘catch-ALL’ group. That is, anyone not
specifically listed in a named group is assumed to belong to this <Default>