Trouble Shooting
TAPI Service Provider Problems
Strata CIX Net Phone AG 04/08 81
Software Key Feature Points Unavailable
The copykey is not installed on Net Server
Attach the hardware key to the Net
Server PC parallel port and click Re-
Read Copy Key on Net Server
Copykey tab.
The copykey does not contain Net Phone
licenses, or all available Net Phone licenses
are currently in use.
View the number of points available
on the key using the Copykey service
entry on the Net Server Services tab.
DFES determines the number of Net
Phones allowed. Net Phone requires
22 DFES units per copy. Other
applications may also use DFES
units, such as DSS and Chat. If other
users are running copies of these
programs without permission, those
applications may be using feature
units intended for Net Phone users.
You may need to add additional
points to the key by purchasing
additional software licenses.
Service Unavailable
Net Phone connected to Net Server, but
Level 2 OAI Service has not yet logged into
Net Server. OAI connection may be down.
Check Net Server and Level 2 OAI.
Make sure Level 2 OAI is
communicating with the PBX.
Extension Already Exists
Problem occurs because Net Phone is
attempting to connect with an extension
number that already exists in the db. Name
and Password must match exactly for this to
work. This feature prevents people from
using Net Phone to take over other phones
(intentionally or accidentally.)
Install Net Server Administrator, and
either remove the Client Extension
record, or copy the name and
password to the PC client(s).
Could Not Add New Client to Database
The username is already listed in the Net
Server Database with another extension.
Change the username, or delete the
existing user from Net Server
Cause(s): Solution(s):