Open Architecture Interfaces
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68 Strata CIX Net Phone AG 04/08
Other Commands
Run Action To run a Net Phone User Defined Action.
Format: DO_ACTION, ActionName
Where: ActionName = Name of user-defined action to be run
Copy Info To copy information about this call into Windows Clipboard.
Format: CLIP_CALL, CID, FieldName, CallStatus
CID = leave blank to use ‘CallStatus’ or Net Phone’s ‘Most
FieldName = Name of field to be read - “CID”, “CallerID”,
“CallerIDNum”, “CallStatus “, “Account” are ‘standard’
fields, but any ‘extra-info’ field can also be read.
CallStatus = Only used if CID blank, find first call matching
these types "T"alking, "R"inging, "H"olding, or "C"learing.
Note: If no calls match, it will put a Null on the clipboard.
CLIP_CALL, , CID, “T” = Return the Call ID of the first
“T”alking call.
Set Info Set information value on a call.
Format: SET_INFO, CID, FieldName, “FieldValue”, CallStatus
CID = Net Phone’s Call ID for the desired call. This could
be provided using the %I variable. Or leave blank (“ “) if
you want to use CallStatus or Net Phone’s most likely call.
FieldName = Name of the field to be set – “CallerID”,
“CallerIDNum”, “Account” are standard fields, but any
“extra-info” field can also be set.
FieldValue = The Info string that is to be attached.
CallStatus = Only used if CID is blank. Find first call
matching these types “T”a.lking, “R”inging, “H”olding,
“C”learing. However, this this field is also blank, Net Phone
will use the mostly likely call.