Server-based Net Phone COS
Using Extra Information in Personal Call Handler Rules
48 Strata CIX Net Phone AG 04/08
Using Extra Information in Personal Call
Handler Rules
The Personal Call Handler supports the use of Extra Information when the triggering
event is either Call Ringing or Call Answered. The only choice offered in the pull
down list is CallerID Name. Additional fields can be inserted by typing the name in
the entry box. The syntax for the parameter must match the field exactly with that used
within TOSHIBA. Following is a list of field names that can be entered into the
Personal Call Handler Extra Info field.
~ When a tilde is the lead character in an Extra Info field name, that field cannot be
edited and will not display in the Extra Info screen.
Extra Info Field Name Description
Account Account code attached to the call
ACDAGT ACD agent’s name
ACDAGTN ACD agent’s code (number)
ACDGRP ACD group’s name
ACDGRPN ACD group’s number
CalledID Name of called number (DID/DNIS Name)
CalledIDNum Number called (DID/DNIS number)
CallerID CallerID/ANI name
CallerIDNum CallerID/ANI number
CALLPRIORITY Priority of call within ACD
LastRedir Last redirected extension number
PC_DEST or ~PC_DEST Post call survey destination
PREFAGENT ACD preferred agent’s code (number)
~RECFNAME Tracer/ACR recording file name for this call