Trouble Shooting
TAPI Service Provider Problems
80 Strata CIX Net Phone AG 04/08
TAPI Service Provider Problems
Cause(s): Solution(s):
Couldn't Resolve Hostname
The hostname in the configuration dialog is
misspelled or does not exist. DNS name
resolution may be configured incorrectly.
Check the spelling of the hostname.
Ping the Net Server by name. If this
fails, try pinging by IP address.
If the ping by name fails but the ping
by address works, contact the
Network Administrator to resolve the
DNS problem. Or, use the IP address
instead of the hostname.
Connection Failed to Host
Net Phone contacted the PC listed in
hostname, but there was no response from
Net Server.
Make sure Net Server is running on
the target PC. If connecting through
a firewall, ensure TCP port 8767 is
open for two-way communication.
Invalid Access Password
The extension is already listed in Net Server
Admin with another password.
Check the Client Password in Net
Server Admin. This feature prevents
malicious users from assuming
control of other keysets without
TAPI Service Provider Not Operational
Windows 98 SE supported the Windows
Automatic Update feature. In some cases,
Windows Update installed a new version of
the TAPI Server on the PC. This updated
version was incompatible with the Net
Phone TSP.
Check the date on
\Windows\System\TAPISRV.EXE – if
it is 5/99, it is incompatible with the
Net Phone TSP. Current versions of
Net Phone Setup automatically install
the correct version. Microsoft
Windows Update now also installs a
newer, compatible version.