Open Architecture Interfaces
OLE / COM Interface
76 Strata CIX Net Phone AG 04/08
CallID = Leave blank if want to use ‘CallTypes
FieldName = Name of field to be read -- “CID”, “CallerID”,
“CallerIDNum”, “CallStatus “, “Account” are ‘standard’ fields,
but any ‘extra-info’ field can also be read.
CallTypes – Only used if CID blank, Find first call matching
these types "T"alking, "R"inging, "H"olding, "C"learing.
Note: If no calls match, a Null string will be returned.
GetCallInfoField (“ ” , Account, “R”) = Return the Account
number of the first “R”inging call
Copy Info
Copy Info about call into Windows Clipboard – Copies a
string value containing the value of the designated field into
the clipboard.
Format: ClipCallInfoField (CID, FieldName, CallTypes)
CID = leave blank if you want to use “CallTypes” or Net
Phone’s most likely call.
FieldName = Name of field to be read – “CID”, “CallerID”,
“CallerIDNum”, “CallStatus”, “Account” are standard fields,
but any extra-info field can also be read.
CallTypes = Only used if CID is blank. Finds first call
matching these types – “Talking”, “R”inging, “H”olding,
“C”learing. If no call matches, it will place a NULL on the
Get Feature List Returns bit list (long integer) of enabled features as follows:
Format: GetFeatBitList ( )
SHOWRECORD = &H1& -- allowed to show “Recording-in-
progress” indication
STARTRECORD = &H2& -- allowed to manually start a
STOPRECORD = &H4& -- allowed to manually stop a
ACDENABLED = &H8& -- allowed to access ACD features
(login, logout)
ACDLOGIN3RD = &H10& -- allowed to access ACD features
for 3rd parties (that is other phones).
Note: The ACDENABLED bit must also be set.