GS-4012F/4024 User’s Guide
Chapter 40 Introducing the Commands 240
Figure 154 CLI Help: List of Commands: Example 2
40.5.2 Detailed Command Information
Enter <command> help to display detailed sub command and parameters.
<command> ? to display detailed help information about the sub commands and
Figure 155 CLI Help: Detailed Command Information: Example 1
Figure 156 CLI: Help: Detailed Command Information: Example 2
40.6 Command Modes
There are three CLI command modes: User, Enable and Configure.
When you first log into the CLI, the initial command mode is the User mode. The User mode
commands are a subset of the Enable mode commands. The User mode command prompt ends
with an angle bracket (>).
ras> ?
enable Turn on privileged commands
exit Exit from the EXEC
help Description of the interactive help system
history Show a list of previously run commands
logout Exit from the EXEC
ping Exec ping
show Show system information
ssh SSH client
traceroute Exec traceroute
ras> ping help
Commands available:
ping <ip>
[ in-band|out-of-band|vlan <vlan-id> ]
[ size <0-1472> ]
[ -t ]
ras> ping ?
<ip> destination ip address
help Description of ping help