
VES-1000 Series Ethernet Switch
11-2 System Maintenance 2
Table 11-A Time and Date Setting Fields
Enter the time service protocol that your time server sends when you turn on the VES-1000
Series switch. Not all time servers support all protocols, so you may have to check with
your ISP/network administrator or use trial and error to find a protocol that works. The main
differences between them are the format.
Daytime (RFC 867) format is day/month/year/time zone of the server.
Time (RFC-868) format displays a 4-byte integer giving the total number of seconds since
1970/1/1 at 0:0:0.
NTP (RFC-1305) is similar to Time (RFC-868).
Use Time Server
when Bootup
None is the default value. Enter the time manually. Each time you turn on the VES-1000
Series switch, the time and date will be reset to 2000-1-1 0:0:0.
Time Server IP
Enter the IP address of your time server. Check with your ISP/network administrator if you
are unsure of this information.
Current Time This field displays an updated time only when you reenter this menu.
New Time Enter the new time in hour, minute and second format.
Current Date This field displays an updated date only when you reenter this menu.
New Date Enter the new date in year, month and day format.
Time Zone Press [SPACE BAR] to set the time difference between your time zone and Greenwich
Mean Time (GMT).
Once you have filled in this menu, press [ENTER] at the message “Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel“
to save your configuration, or press [ESC] to cancel.
11.2.1 Resetting The Time
The VES-1000 Series switch resets the time in three instances:
i. On leaving menu 24.10 after making changes.
ii. When the VES-1000 Series switch boots up and there is a time server configured in menu 24.10.
iii. 24-hour intervals after starting.
11.3 Remote Management Control
Remote management control is for managing Telnet, Web, FTP and ICMP services. You can customize the
service port and the secured client IP address to enhance security and flexibility.
To disable remote management of a service, select Disable in the corresponding Server Access field.
Enter 11 from menu 24 to bring up Menu 24.11 – Remote Management Control.