
VES-1000 Series Ethernet Switch
VDSL-Related Commands 12-5
This command displays the status of a VDSL channel.
The SNR, MSE and RS_ERR are polled every three seconds. Total RS_ERR are counted during the connection.
SNR, MSE, RS_ERR and Total_RSERR are cleared after the VDSL is link up.
Figure 12-3 VDSL Channel Status
Table 12-E VDSL Channel Status Counters
VDSL Channel Parameters: General Status Registers
MODEMSTAT This field displays the modem status.
LINK STAT This field displays the link status. The link is up if this field displays 0xac or 0xae;
otherwise the link is down.
VER_SOFT This is the on-chip firmware version (not patch version).
VER_HARD This is the chip hardware version.
RSTSTAT Reset Status indicates the reason for the most recent system reset.
FAILCNT This field displays VDSL Fail counter information.
DS and US The following parameters apply to both upstream and downstream VDSL.
QAM Constellation shows the modulation method and speed. The constellations are QAM
4, QAM 8, QAM 16, QAM 64, QAM 256 where QAM (Quadrature Amplitude
Modulation) defines how many bits there are per symbol; for example QAM 4 means 2
bits per symbol (2
), QAM 8, 3 bits (2
) per symbol and so on.
Int Int (Interpolation) defines how fast the symbols go through the line. It is equal to
25.0MHz / baud rate, so for example, Int 8 = 25.0 / 8 Mbaud.
Rate This is the VDSL raw speed.
Fc This is the carrier frequency
SNR The higher the SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio) number, the better. SNR (Signal-to-Noise
Riih ifh lidfhdidilh lid
ves100> vdsl st vdsl01
VDSL Channel vdsl01 Parameters:
General Status Registers:
MODEMSTAT = 0x80 LINK_STAT = 0xae VER_SOFT = 0xb4 VER_HARD = 0x32
RSTSTAT = 0x40 FAILCNT = 0x00
DS = QAM 256, Int 12, Rate = 16666666 bps, fc = 1953125 Hz
US = QAM 256, Int 12, Rate = 16666666 bps, fc = 5541992 Hz
US SNR = 36.42 36.49 36.49 36.33 36.46 36.42 36.45 36.38 dB
US MSE = 13.82 13.89 13.89 13.73 13.86 13.82 13.85 13.78 dB
DS SNR = 42.68 42.57 42.68 42.65 42.76 42.77 42.69 42.68 dB
DS MSE = 20.08 19.97 20.08 20.05 20.16 20.17 20.09 20.08 dB
Average US SNR = 36.43dB US MSE = 13.83dB
Average DS SNR = 42.69dB DS MSE = 20.09dB
US RS_ERR = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
US Total RS_ERR = 0
DS RS_ERR = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DS Total RS_ERR = 0
Power Parameters:
MIN_PSD = 0x10, MAX_PSD = 0x32d
TXPOWER = 0x32d, POCO = 0x5
PSD = -57.00 dBm/Hz