VES-1000 Series Ethernet Switch
VDSL-Related Commands 12-11
Type this command to set the Ethernet port speed of the VES-1000 Series switch (with “lt”) or VDSL subscriber
modem (with “nt”). Speed parameters are explained in the following table.
Table 12-G Ethernet Speed Parameters
0 Auto Negotiation
1 10 Mbits/s, Half Duplex
2 10 Mbits/s, Full Duplex
3 100Mbits/s, Half Duplex
4 100Mbits/s, Full Duplex
12.3.4 Enet Fctrl Command
vdsl enet fctrl chan-id (lt|nt) [on|off]
Type this command to set the Ethernet port flow control or show the Ethernet port flow control status (without
“on” or “off”). By default, flow control is on for full duplex Ethernet connections and off for half duplex Ethernet
Figure 12-10 Ethernet Flow Control
12.3.5 Enet Monitor Command
vdsl enet monitor chan-id [on|off]
When this flag is on this command automatically displays the VES-1000 Series switch (and the subscriber’s
VDSL modem’s Ethernet statistics if the link is up) every five seconds. Enter the command without “on” or “off”
to just show the Ethernet monitor status.
Figure 12-11 Ethernet Monitor Status
ves-100>vdsl enet monitor 2
enet monitor flag: off
ves-100>vdsl enet fctrl 2
enet flow control(LT): on