
34903A 20-Channel Actuator / General-Purpose Switch
300 V, 1 A actuation and switching
SPDT (Form C) latching relays
Breadboard area for custom circuits
For detailed information and a module diagram, see page 168.
Use this module for those applications that require high-integrity
contacts or quality connections of non-multiplexed signals. This module
can switch 300 V, 1 A (50 W maximum switch power) to your device
under test or to actuate external devices. Screw terminals on the module
provide access to the Normally-Open, Normally-Closed, and Common
contacts for each of the 20 switches. A breadboard area is provided near
the screw terminals to implement custom circuitry, such as simple
filters, snubbers, or voltage dividers.
34904A 4x8 Two-Wire Matrix Switch
32 two-wire crosspoints
Any combination of inputs and outputs can be connected at a time
300 V, 1 A switching
For detailed information and a module diagram, see page 170.
Use this module to connect multiple instruments to multiple points on
your device under test at the same time. You can connect rows and
columns between multiple modules to build larger matrices such as
8x8 and 4x16, with up to 96 crosspoints in a single mainframe.
34905/6A Dual 4-Channel RF Multiplexers
34905A (50) / 34906A (75)
2 GHz bandwidth with on-board SMB connections
1 GHz bandwidth with SMB-to-BNC adapter cables provided
For detailed information and a module diagram, see page 172.
These modules offer wideband switching capabilities for high frequency
and pulsed signals. Each module is organized in two independent banks
of 4-to-1 multiplexers. Both modules offer low crosstalk and excellent
insertion loss performance. To create larger
RF multiplexers, you can
cascade multiple banks together. Only one channel in each bank may be
closed at a time.