Single-Channel Monitoring Overview
In the Monitor function, the instrument takes readings as often as it can
on a single channel, even during a scan. This feature is useful for trouble-
shooting your system before a test or for watching an important signal.
Any channel that can be “read” by the instrument can be monitored.
This includes any combination of temperature, voltage, resistance,
current, frequency, or period measurements on multiplexer channels.
You can also monitor a digital input port or the totalizer count on the
multifunction module. Monitoring is not allowed with the actuator
module, the matrix module, or the
RF multiplexer modules.
• The Monitor function is equivalent to making continuous
measurements on a single channel with an infinite scan count.
Only one channel can be monitored at a time but you can change the
channel being monitored at any time.
• Readings acquired during a Monitor are not stored in memory but
they are displayed on the front panel (however, all readings from a
scan in progress at the same time are stored in memory).
• A scan in progress always has priority over the Monitor function.
The instrument will take at least one monitor reading per scan sweep
and will take more as time permits.
• You can monitor a multiplexer channel only if the internal DMM is
installed and enabled (see “Internal DMM Disable” on page 145).
The channel must also be configured to be part of the scan list.
• You can monitor a digital input channel or totalizer channel even if
the channel is not part of the scan list (the internal
DMM is not
required either). The count on a totalizer channel is not reset when it
is being monitored (the Monitor ignores the totalizer reset mode).
Chapter 5 Remote Interface Reference
Single-Channel Monitoring Overview