Disable or enable the front-panel display. When disabled, the entire
front-panel display goes dark and all display annunciators except
ERROR are disabled. All keys except are locked out when the
display is disabled. The display is automatically enabled when power
is cycled, after a Factory Reset (*RST command), or when you return
to local by pressing . The DISP? query the front-panel display
setting. Returns “0” (
OFF) or “1” (ON).
Display a message on the instrument’s front-panel display.
The instrument can display up to 13 characters on the front panel;
if you attempt to send more than 13 characters, an error is generated.
The :TEXT? query reads the message sent to the instrument front panel
and returns a quoted string.
You can use letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9), and special characters like
@”, “%”, “
”, etc. Use the “#” character to display a degree symbol ( ° ).
Commas, periods, and semicolons share a display space with the
preceding character, and are not considered individual characters.
While a message is displayed on the front panel, readings from a scan or
monitor are not sent to the display.
The following command displays a message on the front panel.
Clear the message displayed on the front-panel display.
Chapter 5 Remote Interface Reference
System-Related Commands