
Digital Output Commands
data> ,(@<ch_list>)
:DIGital:DATA[:{BYTE|WORD}]? (
Output an 8-bit byte or 16-bit word digital pattern to the specified
digital output channels. Note that you cannot configure a port for output
operations if that port is already configured to be part of the scan list
(digital input). You must specify a decimal value (binary data is not
accepted). If you are going to write to both ports simultaneously (WORD),
you must send the command to port 01. The digital output channels are
numbered “s01” (lower byte) and “s02” (upper byte), where s represents
the slot number. The :BYTE? (or :WORD?) query returns the last byte or
word sent to the specified digital output channel. Returns a number in
the form “
SOURce:DIGital:STATe? (
Read the last byte or word sent the specified digital output channels.
The digital output channels are numbered “s01” (lower byte) and “s02”
(upper byte), where s represents the slot number. This command
returns “0” if the channel is an input port or “1” if the channel is an
output port.
DAC Output Commands
:VOLTage <
voltage> ,(@<ch_list>)
:VOLTage? (@<ch_list>)
Set the output voltage level on the specified
DAC channel. You can set
the output voltage to any value between +12 Vdc and -12 Vdc, in
1 mV steps. Each
DAC channel is capable of 10 mA maximum output
current. The
DAC channels are numbered “s04” and “s05”, where s
represents the slot number. The :VOLT? query returns the output
voltage level on the specified
DAC channel. Returns a number in the
form “
Chapter 5 Remote Interface Reference
Digital Output Commands