Calibration Count
You can query the instrument to determine how many calibrations have
been performed. Note that your instrument was calibrated before it left
the factory. When you receive your instrument, be sure to read the
count to determine its initial value.
• The calibration count is stored in non-volatile memory in the
mainframe, and does not change when power has been off, after a
Factory Reset (*RST command), or after an Instrument Preset
(SYSTem:PRESet command).
• The calibration count increments up to a maximum of 65,535 after
which it rolls over to “0”. Since the value increments by one for each
calibration point, a complete calibration may increase the value by
many counts.
• The calibration count is also incremented with calibrations of the
DAC channels on the multifunction module.
• Front-Panel Operation:
• Remote Interface Operation:
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Calibration Overview