Resistance Configuration Commands
See also “Resistance Measurement Configuration” in chapter 4 starting
on page 115.
RESistance:OCOMpensated {OFF|ON}[,(
RESistance:OCOMpensated? [(
@<ch_ list>)]
FRESistance:OCOMpensated {OFF|ON}[,(
FRESistance:OCOMpensated? [(
@<ch _list>)]
Disable or enable offset-compensation for resistance measurements.
Once enabled, offset compensation is applied to both 2-wire and 4-wire
resistance measurements. The default is “
OFF”. The :OCOM? query returns
the offset compensation setting on the specified channels. Returns “0” (
or “1” (
Current Configuration Commands
See also “Current Measurement Configuration” in chapter 4 starting on
page 116.
Note: Current measurements are allowed only on channels 21 and 22
on the 34901A multiplexer module.
CURRent:AC:BANDwidth {3|20|200|MIN|MAX}[,(
CURRent:AC:BANDwidth? [{(
Specify the lowest frequency expected in the input signal for ac current
measurements on the specified channels. The instrument selects the
slow, medium (default), or fast ac filter based on the frequency you
MIN = 3 Hz. MAX = 200 Hz. The :BAND? query returns the
ac filter setting on the specified channels. Returns “3”, “20”, or “200”.
Chapter 5 Remote Interface Reference
Resistance Configuration Commands