Calibration Commands
For an overview of the calibration features of the instrument, refer to
“Calibration Overview” in chapter 4 starting on page 155. For a more
detailed discussion of the instrument’s calibration procedures,
see chapter 4 in the 34970A Service Guide.
Perform a calibration of the instrument using the specified calibration
value (CALibration:VALue command). Before you can calibrate the
instrument, you must unsecure it by entering the correct security code.
Returns “0” (
PASS) or “1” (FAIL).
Query the instrument to determine the number of times it has been
calibrated. Note that your instrument was calibrated before it left the
factory. When you receive your instrument, read the count to determine
its initial value. The calibration count is stored in non-volatile memory
in the mainframe. The calibration count increments up to a maximum
of 65,535 after which it rolls over to “0”. Since the value increments by
one for each calibration point, a complete calibration may increase the
value by many counts. The calibration count is also incremented by
calibrations of the
DAC channels on the multifunction module.
CALibration:SECure:CODE <
Enter a new security code. To change the security code, you must first
unsecure the instrument using the old security code, and then enter a
new code. The security code is set to “
HP034970” when the instrument is
shipped from the factory. The security code is stored in non-volatile
memory in the mainframe. The security code may contain up to 12
alphanumeric characters. The first character must be a letter, but the
remaining characters can be letters, numbers, or an underscore ( _ ).
You do not have to use all 12 characters but the first character must
always be a letter.
Chapter 5 Remote Interface Reference
Calibration Commands