:CHANnel:ADVance:SOURce {EXTernal|BUS|IMMediate}
This command is valid only when the internal DMM is disabled or
removed from the 34970A.
Select the source to provide the channel advance signal to the next
channel in the scan list. When the channel advance signal is received,
the instrument opens the currently selected channel and closes the next
channel in the scan list. The instrument will accept a software (bus)
command, an immediate (continuous) scan trigger, an external
trigger pulse, or an internally-paced timer. The default is “EXTernal”.
The :SOUR? query returns “
EXT”, “BUS”, or “IMM”.
The channel advance signal is ignored unless you have initiated the scan
(INITiate command) and have received a scan trigger (TRIG:SOUR
command). Although the ROUT:CHAN:ADV:SOUR command shares some
of the same signals as the TRIG:SOUR command, they cannot be set to
the same source (except IMMediate). If you attempt to select the same
source, an error is generated and the TRIG:SOUR is reset to IMMediate.
A channel advance signal is not required for digital input or totalizer
channels included in the scan list. Measurements on these channels are
still performed by the 34970A and do not require synchronization with
the external instrument.
Chapter 5 Remote Interface Reference
Scanning With an External Instrument