
annunciators, 4
enable/disable, 144
text message, 144
DISPlay:TEXT command, 266
DISPlay:TEXT:CLEar command, 266
dissimilar metals, 340
DMM (internal)
block diagram, 343
field installation kit
See Option 001 Installation Note
enabling/disabling, 145
reading relay count, 147
DTR/DSR flow mode (RS-232), 153
E5810A LAN-to-GPIB, 51
echo commands (modem), 274
enable register (status), 275
ERROR annunciator, 4, 142, 304
error messages, 303-318
ac loading, 364
cabling, 339
capacitive coupling, 381
clearing, 142
common mode noise, 353
crest factors, 407
diffusion error, 352
frequency measurements, 377
loading, dc voltage, 357
loading, input bias current, 358
low-level ac, 341
magnetic fields, 340
measurement error, 414
multiplexing and switching, 381
period measurements, 377
reading error queue, 142, 304
RF multiplexing, 391
thermal EMF, 340
thermocouple calculation, 353
thermocouple reference junction, 352
totalizer, 396
event register (status), 275
example programs
C and C++, 328
Excel 7.0, 321
Excel macro example programs, 321
Express Exchange program, 10
EXT annunciator, 4
Ext Trig connector, 5, 83, 95
external DMM
connections, 95
scanning with, 95
external reference (T/C), 107
external scanning
connections, 95
with digital channels, 97
external trigger
connector, 5, 83, 95
scan interval, 80
factory reset state, 160
fahrenheit, setting units, 106
fast ac filter, 114, 116, 361
fast timeout, 118
FETCh? command
description, 79, 204, 236
example, 206
filler panel kit (rack mounting), 31
filter, ac signal, 114, 116, 117, 361
firmware revision
34970A, 146
plug-in modules, 146
fixed input range (dc voltage), 113
fixed reference (thermocouple), 107
fixed reference junction, 221
flange kit (rack mounting), 31
floppy disks (BenchLink), 19
flow mode (RS-232)
DTR/DSR mode, 153
factory setting, 47, 153
Modem mode, 154
None (no flow mode), 153
RTS/CTS mode, 153
selecting, 47, 153
XON/XOFF mode, 153
form C (SPDT) switching, 59, 384
alarm queue data, 127
scanned readings, 87
FORMat:READ:ALARm command, 231
FORMat:READ:CHANnel command, 231
FORMat:READ:TIME command, 232, 264
FORMat:READ:UNIT command, 232
four-wire multiplexers, 58, 380
four-wire ohms, 115, 369
four-wire pairing (RTD), 110
FREQ:RANGe:LOWer command, 225
frequency measurements
low frequency timeout, 118
sources of error, 377
connections, 21
front panel
annunciators, 4
defining scan list, 23
layout, 2
menu overview, 3, 33
front-panel display
enable/disable, 144
text message, 144
location, 5, 28
part number, 27
replacing, 28
factory setting, 27
fuseholder assembly, 5, 28
gage factor (strain), 374
gain “M” (Mx+B), 39, 119
gate signal (totalizer), 135, 396
gauge, wire size, 336
GET (Group Execute Trigger), 82
GP-IB address
address selection, 46, 151
cable, 51
connector, 5
interface selection, 46, 151
setting address, 150
factory address setting, 150
ground loops, 337, 341
grounding, 337