Digital Input Commands
See also “Digital Input Operations” in chapter 4 starting on page 133.
MEASure:DIGital:BYTE? (
Configure the instrument to read the specified digital input channels on
the multifunction module and immediately sweep through the scan list
one time. Note that this command also redefines the scan list. The readings
are sent directly to the instrument’s output buffer but the readings are
not stored in reading memory. The digital input channels are numbered
“s01” (
LSB) and “s02” (MSB), where s represents the slot number.
Note that if you include both digital input channels in the scan list,
the instrument will read data from both ports simultaneously with the
same time stamp. This will allow you to externally combine the two
8-bit value into one 16-bit value.
CONFigure:DIGital:BYTE (
Configure the instrument to read the specified digital input channels
on the multifunction module but do not initiate the scan. Note that this
command also redefines the scan list. The digital input channels are
numbered “s01” (
LSB) and “s02” (MSB), where s is the slot number.
Note that if you include both digital input channels in the scan list,
the instrument will read data from both ports simultaneously with the
same time stamp. This will allow you to externally combine the two
8-bit value into one 16-bit value.
Read an 8-bit byte or a 16-bit word digital pattern from the specified
digital input channels. If you are going to read both ports simultaneously
(WORD), you must send the command to port 01 (
LSB) and neither port
can be included in the scan list. The digital input channels are numbered
“s01” (
LSB) and “s02” (MSB), where s represents the slot number.
The output from this command is affected by the FORMat:READing
commands (see “Reading Format Commands” on page 231).
Chapter 5 Remote Interface Reference
Digital Input Commands