
Totalizer Operations
The multifunction module has a 26-bit totalizer which can count TTL
pulses at a 100 kHz rate. You can manually read the totalizer count
or you can configure a scan to read the count.
The totalizer channel is numbered “s03”, where s represents the
slot number.
You can configure the instrument to count on the rising edge or
falling edge of the input signal.
You can control when the totalizer actually records counts by providing
a gate signal (
G and G terminals on the module). A TTL high signal
applied to the “
G” terminal enables counting and a low signal disables
counting. A
TTL low signal applied to the “G” terminal enables counting
and a high signal disables counting. The totalizer only counts when
both terminals are enabled. You can use either the
G terminal, the G
terminal, or both. When a gate is not connected, the gate terminal
floats to the enabled state, effectively creating a “gate always” condition.
Using the hardware jumper labeled “Totalize Threshold” on the
module, you can control the threshold at which an edge is detected.
Move the jumper to the “
AC” position to detect changes through
0 volts. Move the jumper to the “
TTL” position (factory setting)
to detect changes through
TTL threshold levels.
Input Signal
(Rising Edge)
Add to Total
Totalizer Input
Gate Signal
(High True)
2.5 V Threshold (TTL)
0 V Threshold (AC)
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Totalizer Operations