C and C++ example programs, 328
cable kits (SMB-to-BNC)
34905A, 173
34906A, 173
cable tie, wiring, 20
attenuation, 336
capacitance, 336
coaxial, 55
dielectric withstand voltage, 335
errors, 339
flat ribbon, 55
nominal impedance, 335
resistance, 336
RS-232, 17, 51, 273
shielded coaxial, 338
shielding, 338
specifications, 335
twisted pair, 55, 338
types, 55
wire gauge size, 336
calculation error, thermocouple, 353
CALC:AVER command, 92
CALC:AVER:AVER? command, 234
CALC:AVER:CLEar? command, 234
CALC:AVER:COUNt? command, 234
CALC:AVER:MAX:TIME? command, 233
CALC:AVER:MAX? command, 233
CALC:AVER:MIN:TIME? command, 233
CALC:AVER:MIN? command, 233
CALC:AVER:PTPeak? command, 234
CALC:COMP:DATA command, 253
CALC:COMP:MASK command, 254
CALC:COMP:STATe command, 254
CALC:COMP:TYPE command, 253
CALC:LIM:LOW command, 251
CALC:LIM:LOW:STATe command, 251
CALC:LIM:UPP command, 250
CALC:LIM:UPP:STATe command, 250
CALC:SCALe:GAIN command, 245
CALC:SCALe:OFFS command, 245
CALC:SCALe:OFFS:NULL command, 246
CALC:SCALe:STATe command, 246
CALC:SCALe:UNIT command, 245
factory setting, 145
setting, 22, 145
calibration certificate, 17
overview, 155
read count, 159
security code, 155
text message, 158
to secure, 157
to unsecure, 156
CAL:COUNt? command, 292
CAL:SECure:CODE command, 292
CAL:SECure:STATe command, 293
CAL:STRing command, 293
CAL:VALue command, 293
CAL? command, 292
capacitance, cable, 336
capacitive coupling, 338, 381
Card Reset key, 26
carrying handle
adjusting, 29
removing, 29
celsius, setting units, 106
Channel Advance (external scanning)
connector, 5
operation, 96
Channel Closed (external scanning)
connector, 5
operation, 96
channel configuration
copying, 25
front panel, 23
channel delay
automatic, 89
default values, 88
defined, 88
settings, 88
channel list parameters, 301
channel list
building from front panel, 78
building from remote, 79
examples, 73, 181
rules, 73, 181
channel number, with readings, 87
channel numbering, 23
channel numbering
34901A, 164
34902A, 166
34903A, 168
34904A, 170
34905A, 172
34906A, 172
34907A, 174
34908A, 176
chassis ground, 5
clearing reading memory, 75
factory setting, 145
setting the, 22, 145
Close key, 26
coaxial cables, 55, 338
coefficient, temperature, 366
color codes, thermocouples, 351
COM (serial) ports, 273
command summary (SCPI), 181-200
command syntax (SCPI)
conventions, 73, 181
command syntax, 299
version query, 149
common LO multiplexers, 58, 378
common mode noise, 353
condition register (status), 275
CONFigure command, 79
default settings, 201
description, 202
example, 205
range parameter, 207
resolution parameter, 207
syntax statements, 211
CONFigure? command, 213
2-wire resistance, 21
4-wire resistance, 21
ac current, 21
ac voltage, 21
dc current, 21
dc voltage, 21
frequency, 21
period, 21
RTD, 21
thermistor, 21
thermocouples, 21