Unless otherwise specified, all products are for Research Use Only.
Not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. Not for resale.
1. Reconstitute Mouse Inflammation Standards in
Assay Diluent (15 min)
2. Dilute Standards by serial dilutions using the Assay Diluent
2 Hour incubation at RT
30 minute
incubation at RT
(protect from light)
3. Mix 10 µl/test of each Mouse Inflammation Capture
Bead suspension (vortex before aliquoting)
4. Transfer 50 µl of mixed beads to each assay tube
6. Add PE Detection Reagent (50 µl/test)
5. Add Standard Dilutions and test samples to the
appropriate sample tubes (50 µl/tube)
7. Wash samples with 1 ml Wash Buffer and centrifuge
8. Add 300 µl of Wash Buffer to each assay tubes
and analyze samples
(protect from light)
3. Add 400 µl of Wash Buffer to
tubes B and C
4. Add 450 µl of Wash Buffer to
tube A
5. Use tubes A, B and C for
cytometer setup
Cytometer Setup Bead Procedure
1. Add Cytometer Setup Beads
(vortex before adding) to setup
tubes A, B and C (50 µl/tube)
2. Add 50 µl of FITC Positive
Control to tube B and 50 µl of
PE Positive Control to tube C