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3-26 Administrative Products for DB2 Installation Guide
Naming Conventions
Table 3-12 indicates what the variables represent, and Table 3-13 shows
examples of collection names.
Note: The access type for DASD MANAGER PLUS must be direct (D).
With CATALOG MANAGER 3.4 and later, you can have more than
one indirect catalog. Each indirect catalog requires a unique
collection name.
Collection Nicknames
You can assign a meaningful nickname to the collection name. This nickname
provides CATALOG MANAGER users with easy-to-remember names of
Table 3-14 shows an example of collection names that are on the test system
DB2T that access indirect copies of production systems DB2P1 and DB2P2,
and the corresponding nicknames that could be used.
The nickname can be up to 13 characters long and cannot contain any blanks.
Table 3-12 Collection Name Variables
Variable Represents
product code
version, release, and maintenance level
exploited DB2 version
(B=3.1, C=4.1, D=5.1, and E=6.1 or later)
access (D=direct, I=indirect)
a unique qualifier for the indirect catalog on that
Table 3-13 Examples of Collection Names
Example Description
ACT621_I_1_MAIN CATALOG MANAGER 6.2.01 indirect access, first
instance of indirection
ACM621E_D_MAIN CHANGE MANAGER 6.2.01 DB2 Version 6 direct
ASU613_D_MAIN DASD MANAGER PLUS 6.1.03 direct access
Table 3-14 Examples of Collection Nicknames
Collection Name Collection Nickname