BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
8-10 Administrative Products for DB2 Installation Guide
Default Option Descriptions
CATRECOV=N The Drop Recovery indicator. This parameter is useful only if you have
CATALOG MANAGER installed. Type Y if you want execution to save
information in the CATALOG MANAGER drop recovery log about objects
being dropped. ALTER or CHANGE MANAGER logs the information
required for recovering any object that you drop. You must then use
CATALOG MANAGER to recover the objects. See the CATALOG
MANAGER for DB2 Reference Manual for information about Drop Recovery.
CPLAN=ASUvrmDC The name of the DASD MANAGER PLUS plan that is used to control DB2
catalog updates.
DATE=&SYSDATC This parameter is used only if you have ASMA90 as your assembler.
DB2CAT='DBDBCAT' The VSAM CATALOG alias that contains the data sets of the DB2 catalog.
DLHQ='HLQ' The DASD MANAGER PLUS high-level qualifier that is used to derive
DASD MANAGER PLUS ISPF data set names that are dynamically
allocated during batch TSO simulation in DASD MANAGER PLUS. For
example, if
DPLAN=ASUvrmDD The DATA PACKER for DB2 plan. If installed, CATALOG MANAGER can
use the
AMEND and TRIAL command features.
DPNAM=DPDELOAD The load module name for the BMC Software DATA PACKER product.
EAP=AEXvrmDA Defines the Execution Authorization plan name, which determines if a user is
authorized to run Execution.
EIP=DCIINSTL Defines the Installation plan.
EPP=AEXvrmDM Defines the Execution primary plan name.
GDGDEF=N Indicates whether JCLGEN creates the base of the Generation Data Group
(GDG) data set (
Y or N).
GDGLIM=0 Specifies the number of GDG data sets that are allowed. GDGLIM contains
the value of the LIMIT parm. Valid values are from 0 through 255. If
GDGLIM is set to 0, then
ISPTLIB='HLQ.TLIB' The fully-qualified data set name for the ISPF TLIB. This value is used
during batch JCL generation.
JCLCLEAN=N Enables you to generate a job step that automatically deletes many of the
permanent (also known as non-temporary) data sets that the Execution
component creates. These data sets are created during worklist processing
and have a disposition (
NEW,CATLG,CATLG). The automatic delete step is
only performed if the condition code that any previous job step returns is four
or less (
Y or N).