Running the Install System
BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Chapter 2 Using the Install System 2-17
Common Assembly Errors for DOPTs
All DOPTs assembly jobs should be completed with a successful return code
of zero. If you get assembly errors, compare your DOPTs listing with one
that the installation process generated. Some common errors are as follows:
• missing comma delimiter after keyword value
For each keyword value except the last, a comma delimiter is needed. For
SSID=(DB2P,R) /*wrong*/
SSID=(DB2P,R), /*correct*/
• missing continuation character in column 72
For each keyword value except the last, a character such as an asterisk
(*) is required in column 72.
• incorrect symbolic-variable substitution
The macro tries to resolve all symbolic variables. Double the ampersand
(&) on all symbolic variables. For example
JCLDSN=&&PREFIX..&&SSID..&&DBNAME..&&TSNAME, /*correct*/
• missing or unbalanced single quotation marks
For example
JC1='//&&USERID.&&JOBCHAR JOB(ACCT),'&&PGMR', /*wrong*/
Considerations for SAS/C
For those products that require SAS/C transient libraries, the Install System
optionally unloads version 6.5 of the SAS/C transient library during the
unload process.
If you choose not to unload the SAS/C library, you must ensure that the
SAS/C transient library (version 6.5 or later) exists in the link list.