Setting Up the MVS Server
BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Chapter 4 Performing Post-Installation Tasks 4-35
All APPC/MVS parameters have a prefix of MVSAPPC. The
SBIDBS.SERVER1 parameter must reflect the type of server that is
implemented. For APPC/MVS, the type of server should be MVSAPPC. The
other parameters within the configuration file are not related to APPC/MVS,
so they do not need to be changed.
Additional Reference Documents
The following documents provide additional reference information:
• MVS/ESA Planning: APPC Management Reference Manual
• MVS/ESA Application Development: Writing Servers for APPC/MVS
LUname the local LU name that has been defined to VTAM for the server
MODEname the default Mode Name table entry
The entry should match the DLOGMODE parameter of the
APPL definition that is used to define the local LU to VTAM.
OperatingMode indicates operation as an APPC/MVS Server
The value is SERVER.
Packetsize size of the data buffer used by the server
The default is 8192.
ProtocolDriver name of the APPC/MVS protocol driver program
The value is SBIAPPCM.
Receivetimeout This parameter is not specified. The value is 0.
SASDebug flag that disables (or enables) the SAS/C Debugger
This flag should be set to 0.
ServerEnabled flag that enables (or disables) the server
This flag should be set to 1.
TPname the name that is used to describe this server to APPC/MVS
The Tpname is a 1 to 64 character name that describes the
server’s address space. This name may or may not be the
started task name or the job name of the server.
Transmittimeout This parameter is not specified. The value is 0.
Table 4-4 APPC/MVS Configuration Parameter Descriptions (Part 2 of 2)
Parameter Description