Installation User Profile
BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Chapter 1 Preparing for Installation 1-19
Installation User Profile
The Install System saves the installation options in a user profile. The
member name of the user profile is xxxxPROF, where xxxx is the profile ID.
The default profile ID is DCI, so the default member name is DCIPROF. The
Install System saves the installation profile in the following locations:
• the ISPF profile data set (ISPPROF) that is associated with your user ID
• the output JCL data set that you specify in the User Options panel to
contain the installation batch jobs
• the HLQ.INSTALL library that you create when you unload the Install
System from the tape
Searching for the Installation Profile
The Install System searches the following data sets, in the order shown, for
the xxxxPROF member:
1. the user-named output JCL data set
2. the HLQ.INSTALL data set
3. the ISPF profile data set
If the Install System finds the member in one of the first two data sets, it
copies the member to your ISPF profile data set. ISPF can then use the
member to retrieve and store the installation parameters.
Note: If the Install System cannot find the profile member, it creates a new
xxxxPROF member. At the end of the installation session, the Install
System copies this member from the ISPF profile data set to the
user-named output JCL and HLQ.INSTALL data sets. If your TSO
session terminates abnormally, modifications to your profile are not
Reusing the User Profile
You can reuse an installation user profile by starting the Install System with
an existing HLQ.INSTALL or output JCL data set that contains a xxxxPROF
member. Reusing the profile gives you access to the installation options that
you specified during the previous installation session.