BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
7-6 Administrative Products for DB2 Installation Guide
Installation Considerations
Using INFOBMC in the Compare Component
The CHANGE MANAGER product’s Compare component has the capability
to use the
INFOBMC command if the DASD MANAGER PLUS product is
also installed. The
INFOBMC command gathers and displays DB2 and DASD
MANAGER PLUS statistics in Change Definition Language
This feature is available if
• you are installing CHANGE MANAGER and DASD MANAGER PLUS
• you have already installed DASD MANAGER PLUS and choose to
activate the interfaces
Alternatively, you can edit the Compare BIND JCL that is located in the
CNTL data set, add DBRM member ACMCLDM, and then execute the
BIND. This method requires that CHANGE MANAGER and DASD
MANAGER PLUS already be installed.
Performing a Catalog to Catalog Comparison
The CHANGE MANAGER product’s Compare component enables you to
perform a catalog to catalog comparison. A catalog to catalog comparison
allows you to compare a specified set of DB2 objects from a catalog to DB2
objects of the same type from another catalog. You can also compare objects
of the same type within the same catalog.
You can compare DB2 objects using the following catalog combinations:
• local catalog to remote catalog
• remote catalog to local catalog
• remote catalog to remote catalog
• local catalog to local catalog
Database Name BMCCM
Creator Name BMCCM
Collection Name ACM
Server Main Collection Name ACV
Table 7-1 CHANGE MANAGER Installation Default Values (Part 2 of 2)
Installation Default Value