Using Catalog Indirection
BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Chapter 3 Performing Additional Installation Tasks 3-17
You can change this name in the Install System panels. Keep track of any
name changes that you make.
Single Options Module
If the DB2 subsystems are using the same product load library, they may
optionally share the same options load module in that library. If you generate
only one options module for the load library, users must override the options
that relate to a specific DB2 subsystem at the beginning of a session for each
product. These parameters are saved in the user’s ISPF profile and are
preserved across ISPF sessions. The exceptions are the GUI for ALTER and
CHANGE MANAGER, which use the SSID value in the DOPTs to know to
which SSID to connect.
Multiple Options Modules
You can specify separate prdDOPD1 modules for each SSID by using a
unique name for each module. The Install System panels prompt you for the
names, and you can assign names that identify the SSIDs on which you are
installing the product.
In most cases, only the SSID name will be different for each DOPTs module.
BMC Software recommends that you include the refresh feature for this
option, which causes the program to use the SSID from the DOPTs module
rather than the SSID that was last saved in your ISPF profile. You do not
need to specify different plan names or object names for subsequent products
or SSID systems.
When you start the product through the Install System’s ISPF interface, the
unique name of the DOPTs module for each SSID is passed to the product.
Using Catalog Indirection
Catalog indirection is an optional method of implementing and maintaining
the Administrative Products. As the name implies, catalog indirection allows
products to access the DB2 catalog indirectly when making information
queries. To accomplish catalog indirection, ALTER, CHANGE MANAGER,
and CATALOG MANAGER use synonyms that point either to a copy of the
DB2 catalog or to user-created views of the catalog.