BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
5-16 Administrative Products for DB2 Installation Guide
Default Option Descriptions
DBRMLIB=N Includes the LIBRARY parameter on the BIND statement for plans and
packages (
Y or N).
Note: A disadvantage to adding the LIBRARY parameter to the BIND PLAN
command is that the order of the libraries on the BIND could be
incorrect. If some DBRMs are present in multiple libraries, ALTER
and CHANGE MANAGER cannot guarantee that the concatenation
will result in every DBRM coming from the correct library.
DEFERUIX=N For DB2 Version 5 and later, enables ALTER and CHANGE MANAGER to
create unique indexes with the
DEFER YES parameter (Y or N).
DISCARDS=nnnn Used by ALTER and CHANGE MANAGER to specify the number of
discard data sets to allow. The parameter nnnn specifies the number of
discards in a range from 0 to 9999. DISCARDS=0 means that no maximum
number of discards exists.
If the DISCARDS option is set to 1, the product will generate one
file for the entire run, and DISCARDS 1 is generated as a LOAD parameter.
This action will cause the load utility to terminate with a return code of 8, if
any records must be discarded.
If the DISCARDS option is set to anything other than 1, a different discard
file will be generated for each LOAD, and DISCARDS n will be generated as
a LOAD parameter for each LOAD step (where n is the maximum number of
discards). This action will cause the load to terminate if the discard
maximum is reached. If fewer records are discarded, the discard file will
contain them and execution will proceed to the next step in the worklist.
EAP=AEXvrmAA Defines the Execution Authorization plan name, which determines if a user is
authorized to run Execution.
EIP=DCIINSTL Defines the Installation plan name.
ENVP=ALvrmcDE Defines the Environment plan name, which is used to display ALTER and
CHANGE MANAGER environment information.
EPP=AEXvrmAM Defines the Execution primary plan name.
expect numbers in the European format (comma used for the decimal point)
and to create output in European decimal format (
Y or N).