BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
7-20 Administrative Products for DB2 Installation Guide
Default Option Descriptions
If you specify AUTHSW=B, both -AUTH and -SETS commands are used.
-AUTH commands are generated to set the original CREATEDBY values.
-SETS commands are generated to set new OWNER values for all objects.
B option also causes authorization-ID switching before CREATE
TABLE and CREATE INDEX statements, which is not done under either of
the other options. When the
AUTHSW keyword is used in the ALUIN input
stream, it is equivalent to
AUTHSW=Y in the DOPTs module.
Note: Do not use the AUTHSW keyword in the following situations:
AUTHSW=N is in the DOPTs module.
• If you are using a global authorization ID (GLID).
Note: If your site does not use DB2 secondary AUTHIDs, set AUTHSW=Y.
Otherwise, set
AUTHSW=N. If you require that the CREATEDBY
field in the DB2 catalog remain unchanged after updates, then set
Warning! Setting AUTHSW=B is not recommended because of a potential
security exposure. This exposure exists because the DB2 catalog
does not accurately reflect the primary authorization ID of the
creator of the objects. If you must set
AUTHSW=B, use the
sample security exit (ALUEUSX1) to avoid the security
BASDIAG=SYSOUT Sets the default value for the Baseline diagnostic output data set name.
BASE=CMvrmcDB Sets the Baseline plan name.
BLDBS=N Determines whether the BMC Software LOADPLUS utility updates catalog
statistics for the BMCSTATS utility tables during loads for DB2 Version 4.1
or earlier (
Y or N).
BLDCU=N Determines whether the BMC Software LOADPLUS utility updates statistics
in the DB2 catalog during loads for DB2 Version 4.1 or earlier (
Y or N).
Defines the high-level qualifier, or prefix, that is used for data sets containing
data stored for a baseline recovery point.
BLRPPS=10 Defines the primary space allocation in cylinders for baseline recovery point
data sets.
BLRPSS=2 Defines the secondary space allocation in cylinders for baseline recovery
point data sets.
BLRPUNIT=SYSDA Defines the unit that is used for baseline recovery point data sets.