The APT 7 page is also used to load DPs and STARs into the active flight
plan. This page may be accessed using the manual method of selecting
pages using the right inner and outer knobs; however the preferred way of
loading DPs and STARs is via the P (procedure) button. See section
6.3. The Airport 8 (APT 8) Page
See figure 3-162.
The APT 8 page is used to display
IAPs (Instrument Approach
Procedures) available for the select-
ed airport and also to load an
approach into the active flight plan.
While the manual method of selecting pages using the right inner and
outer knobs may be used, the preferred method of selecting and loading
approaches is via the P (procedure) button. To learn how to select an
approach, see section 6.2.3.
Remember that the desired
approach must be in the published
database in order to be used by KLN
94. If there are no approaches for
this airport in the database then this
page will be as shown in figure 3-
The APT 8 page displays approaches approved for use with an approach
approved KLN 94 as well as approaches where the KLN 94 may only be
used to provide situational awareness monitoring. Approaches approved
for GPS have a “GPS” symbol to the right of the approach name such as
the RNAV 17 and RNAV 35 approaches in figure 3-162.
NOTE: If the KLN 94 is configured for VFR use or IFR en route use only,
the APT 8 page is not displayed.
Line 1: The ICAO identifier (see section 2.3) of the airport; an arrow pre-
cedes the identifier if it is the active waypoint. “IAP” designates that a list
of instrument approach procedures is being displayed.
Lines 2-5: Listing of the instrument approach procedures for the airport. If
there are more than four IAPs, the final one in the list is on line 5 of the
screen. To view the IAPs that are not in view, turn on the cursor using the
B button and turn the right outer knob clockwise.
KLN 94 Pilot’s Guide Chapter 3 Basic GPS Operation
Figure 3-162
Figure 3-163