KLN 94 is configured for IFR en
route only, pressing the P button
allows access to DP and STAR pro-
cedures but not approaches (figure
Flying non-precision approaches using the KLN 94 is not in itself very diffi-
cult. However, the procedures are different than using traditional
equipment such as VORs and NDBs. With this in mind, make sure that
you practice with the KLN 94 in VFR weather with a check pilot before
attempting to use the KLN 94 in actual IFR conditions.
CAUTION: The KLN 94 obtains approach information from the data-
base.Therefore, it is extremely important that the database is
current. The KLN 94 is approved for IFR non-precision approaches
only when the database is current. If you select an approach when
the database is out of date, you will be given the scratchpad mes-
sage: “D Base Expire” in the bottom left portion of the screen as a
The following sections assume that your KLN 94 is properly installed in
the aircraft with all of the necessary accessories to fly non-precision
approaches. This will include an external HSI or CDI at a minimum and
may include some external annunciator/switches. In many installations the
aircraft will have a NAV/GPS switch to select which navigation source is
displayed on the primary HSI or CDI.
The NAV 4 page has been specifically designed to provide most of the
functions needed for non-precision approaches. This page provides an
interface that presents pertinent navigation information, a way to access
the flight plan waypoints, and a graphic presentation of the present posi-
tion relative to the flight plan waypoints. You will find this page to be a
good friend while performing GPS based non-precision approaches.
NOTE: There are a small number of approach procedures in the world
that are not suited for the operational characteristics of the KLN 94. These
procedures are not included in the database. Therefore it is not possible to
use the KLN 94 for these approaches. It is good preflight practice to
ensure that the KLN 94 contains anticipated procedures for the flight.
Chapter 6 Approaches and DP/STARs
Figure 6-4