The User 1 (USR 1) Page
See figure 3-173.
Line 1: The user-defined waypoint
identifier, preceded by an arrow if it
is the active waypoint.
Lines 2-3: The latitude and longitude
of the user-defined waypoint.
Line 4: The magnetic bearing to or the magnetic radial from the user-
defined waypoint and the distance.Placing the cursor over the
radial/bearing field and turning the right inner knob changes it between
radial from and bearing to station. The User 2 (USR 2) Page
See figure 3-174.
Line 1: The user-defined waypoint
identifier, preceded by an arrow if it
is the active waypoint.
Line 2: The identifier of the user-
defined waypoint’s reference waypoint. When this page is first viewed,
the reference waypoint is the nearest VOR to the user waypoint. The ref-
erence waypoint may be changed by the pilot to any waypoint (published
or user-defined). However, once you leave this page and come back, the
reference waypoint reverts back to a nearby VOR.
Line 3: The magnetic radial from the reference waypoint to the user way-
Line 4: The distance from the reference waypoint to the user waypoint. The User 3 (USR 3) Page
See figure 3-175.
Line 1: The identifier of the user-
defined waypoint; an arrow precedes
the identifier if it is the active way-
Lines 2-4: If the user waypoint was created from the NAV 2 page (see
5.4.1 “Creating A Waypoint At Your Present Position”) line 2 displays the
date and time that the user waypoint was created. Otherwise, all three
line may be used for pilot-entered remarks for the user waypoint. Three
Chapter 3 Basic GPS Operation
Figure 3-173
Figure 3-174
Figure 3-175