• b will be a letter corresponding to the distance from
the reference VOR. For example, G is the seventh letter
of the alphabet so D234G would be a point on the 234°
radial 7 NM from the reference VOR. DME arcs greater
than 26 NM will have waypoints where the first two char
acters are the first two letters of the DME identifier. The
next three characters will be the radial that the arc way
point is on.
In the rules above x and yyy are defined as follows. For runways with only
one approach, x will be replaced with an “A” or a “F”. For runways that
have multiple approaches, x will be replaced with “V” for VOR, “N” for
NDB, or “R” for RNAV. The letters yyy will be replaced with either the run-
way identifier (e.g., FF25L is the FAF for runway 25L) or, for circling
approaches, the inbound course to the missed approach point (e.g.,
Waypoints along a given radial will be named such that the first three let-
ters are the reference VOR/DME and the next two are the DME distance.
If the distance is greater than 100 NM the order is reversed. For example,
LAX18 is 18 NM from LAX while 26FLW is 126 NM from FLW.
If the aircraft is not too far from the destination airport, the NAV 4 page
can be used to determine where some of these waypoints are relative to
others in the approach. At the time of this writing most of the Jeppesen
charts and some of the NOS charts show the special terminal waypoints
that are required for GPS approaches. For this reason it is a good idea to
understand what the special waypoints are used for and what they mean.
The sequence of waypoints that are retrieved from the database of the
KLN 94 define the approach procedures as they are charted. To ensure
that the proper path over the ground is followed, it is not possible to either
delete or add waypoints to the approach section of the flight plan. To help
you see which waypoints are en route waypoints and which are approach
waypoints, the KLN 94 does not display a colon next to the waypoint num-
ber on the FPL 0 page if the waypoint is an approach waypoint.
It is only possible to replace the existing approach with another one, or
delete the entire approach from the flight plan. FPL 0 can only contain
one approach. The procedure for replacing an approach in FPL 0 is virtu-
ally the same as initially loading an approach. Use this procedure whether
you are changing the IAF for the approach already loaded, for changing to
a different approach at the same airport, or selecting an approach at
another airport.
KLN 94 Pilot’s Guide Chapter 6 Approaches and DP/STARs